Thank you very much for your extraordinary delivery.
We will inform you that our membership system will be changed from June 1, 2020 (Monday).

The membership stage changes according to the actual usage within the calculation period.
* Calculation period: June 1-May 31 (cumulative usage charges reset every year)
* The actual usage of Book Now is calculated based on the check-out date.
* Stage up: If the actual usage during the calculation period reaches the member stage standard, the applicable stage will be applied from the day after the achievement. The membership stage will continue until the end of the next period. However, for the period from June 2020 to May 2021, there is no stage upgrade for members because the calculation method is a transition period where the conditions change from the number of nights to the amount spent.
* Stage down: If the usage record for one year within the calculation period does not meet the current membership stage standards, the membership stage will be decremented by one from the next month (June).
* Coupon is issued once a year (expiration date is one year)
Regarding the transition to the new membership system
The current membership stage will be maintained for one year from June 1, 2020 (Monday).
The calculation period of usage results will start on Monday, June 1, 2020, so the membership stage will change according to the annual usage amount in June 2021, one year later. One of the benefits, coupon issuance according to the member stage, will be issued from the new member stage from June 2021. Until then, you can use your points at the moment.
* How to use points will be changed.
How to use will be announced separately. [Point expiration date: May 31, 2021 (Monday)]